You maybe surprised but anger is a feeling just like any other emotions.

Dalai Lama
           “If a human being never shows anger, then I think something’s wrong. He’s not right in the brain"

Whether as fleeting annoyance to full fledged rage, we've all felt the power of anger. Anger can be viewed as an electrical charge. It causes you to feel volatile, out of control, or overly impatient, as though you’re walking around with a lit fuse. You may have emotional outbursts or say things you don’t really mean to people. As a result, others may come to view you in a negative light or judge you based on your anger. In this way, anger becomes destructive, affecting your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Anger can be healthy when you control it, but it can also be harmful and unproductive. Anger is normally a warning sign that something is wrong, it tells you where your boundaries are and what you will and will not tolerate. Use anger as an ally and learn to take responsibility for your angry feelings and manage them well rather than act them out

It's not healthy to suppress or bottle up your anger either, this has the effect of turning inwards and create feelings anger towards yourself, with potential health problems, such as high blood pressure, hypertension and depression. Also, when you suppress your anger, you will reach a breaking point, which may cause you to explode and so have a much larger reaction than the situation warrants.

There are other people who struggle with anger issues without even realizing it. You tend to think of anger as screaming or acting violently, but anger problems aren’t always obvious—even to those who have them. Being flippant or passive-aggressive or giving others the “silent treatment” are all manifestations of anger that generally aren’t recognized as such. They can keep people locked in a perpetual cycle of conflict and, over time, cause relationships problems and mental health problems.

Equally holding in your anger or flying off the handle is not healthy.

The important thing to remember is that beneath anger there is always a deep emotional reaction to triggers or events -in other words anger is always ABOUT something.

These are some of the reasons which causes anger:
  • When tired, the temper becomes shorter.
  • Struggling with money and debt problems.
  • Sexual frustration.
  • Feeling like a failure or a disappointment.
  • Withdrawing from alcohol and substances.
  • Living with severe pain or an illness.
  • Being the victim of a crime, such as a violent sexual offense or a burglary.
  • Being treated unfairly
  • Body's chemical imbalance 
  • Brain trauma
  • PTSD

How Anger Affects Your Body

Anger is completely normal, its part of the humans primitive reaction to danger, allowing us to fight and defend against an attack. Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or flight’ , setting off a biological reaction involving the adrenal glands to flood the body with stress hormones called adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. This chain reaction causes the brain to divert blood away from the gut and towards the muscles, in preparation for physical exertion. It also increases your breathing, body temperature and heart rate, narrows blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure. Your mind becomes sharpened, focused, with increased energy levels.

These chemical hormones which prepares the body for a state of readiness, can take anything from 30 minutes to several days to wind down.

However, if you are angry all the time, over a long period, the high chemical hormones can cause harm to many different systems of your body such as:

  • high blood pressure
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • weight problems
  • insomnia
  • stomach ulcers
  • heart attack
  • shoulder pain
  • chest pain
  • headaches
  • stroke
Some therapies attempt to discover the root cause of anger and then address the problem.
BWRT takes different approach

Therapy Treatment Plan to Reduce Anger

The aim of therapy is designed to help you understand why anger exist in the first place, where it stems from within your brain, the physiology response of destructive anger.

The aim of therapy is identify and resolve the emotional behaviour relating to your anger triggers by using your own brains ability to rewire itself to form new positive emotion instead of anger response.

If you have any questions about anger BWRT therapy approach, please book a informal chat before you make a decision to go ahead with therapy.

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If you want help with your anger issues reach out: 07721 955871